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The Target/Schedule Analysis Report

Use this productivity report to analyze staffing in hours over specific intervals of time and by day of the week. You can review this data to analyze trends in demand for care, including the impact of patient events, and total utilization variability, along with utilization by global skill, date, and time of day. The report can also trend historical demand requirements by day of week over a selected date range. You can see report data in one, two, or four hour increments.

You must have a fully configured Demand Manager implementation in order to run this report.

Running the Target/Schedule Analysis Report

Complete the following steps to run the Target/Schedule Analysis report:

  1. From the Reports menu, select Demand > Target/Schedule Analysis. This opens the Target/Schedule Analysis page.
  2. Select one or more Facilities. Use CTRL+click to select multiple items. Use SHIFT+click to select a range of items.
  3. Select one or more Profiles.
  4. Select one or more Global Skills. Staff Manager automatically limits the global skills to those meeting one of these two criteria:
  5. Enter a start date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu.
  6. Enter an end date in the box or click the calendar icon to use the date menu. This report analyzes a Profile’s workload compared to scheduled staff for periods up to one year. This requires the application to process large amounts of data. When selecting multiple Profiles, we suggest that you select a shorter period, such as three months.
  7. Select a Report by Global Skill or Summary option. Selecting Global Skill breaks out the data by the selected skills. Selecting Summary combines the data for all selected skills.
  8. Select a Data by option. Available options are Hourly, Every 2 Hours, and Every 4 Hours. You must select the Every 4 Hours option if you want the report to show the number of times the average total utilization percentages fell within each of the utilization ranges defined by the Demand Manager Facility Settings. See the following section, Viewing the Target/Schedule Analysis Report, for more information.
  9. Select a Report by option. Available options are Date and Average by Day of Week.
  10. Select an Include Event Detail option. Selecting Yes breaks out the Event data by event type. Selecting No combines the data for all events.
  11. Select an Export Type option. Available options are PDF and Microsoft Office Excel.
  12. Click Run Report. If you selected the PDF export type, the report is displayed in the Report Output pane. If you selected the Excel export type, an alert window opens to let you select whether to open the report or to save the report as an Excel spreadsheet. We recommend selecting Save so that you can review the report in Excel.

You should be aware that report formatting is not retained when you export a report to Excel.

Viewing the Target/Schedule Analysis Report

The heading section displays the following items:

The second section reviews the target/schedule data. The options included differ depending on whether you ran the report by Date or by Average by Day of Week.

Target/Schedule Data by Date

When you run the report by Date, this section includes the following information. Items marked (Optional) are only included if you selected those items when running the report.

Note: If your organization supports transfers across facilities, you should be aware that transfers in from a preliminary unit in another facility are counted under Admit, transfers in from inpatient units are counted under TI, and all transfers out are counted under TO. See Understanding Patient Transfers Across Facilities for more information.

Target staffing for admission and transfer in events begin at the time of the event for the configured duration. Target staffing for discharge and transfer out events are backed up from the event time. For example, if patient Jones is discharged at 10:08 a.m. and there is one hour of RN time associated with this event, 0.87 hours (52 min) are allocated from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 0.13 hours (8 min) are allocated from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. All ADT events have a caregiver/patient ratio of 1:1.

If the report is run in 2 or 4 hour increments, the values that show for all options except Events and Event detail are for the hour of day shown in the report. For example, if the report is run for every 2 hours, starting at 0000, the Target at 0200 is the Target values for Events and Event detail from 0000-0200; all other options in the report display values from 0100-0200.

Target/Schedule Data by Average by Day of Week

When you run the report by Average by Day of Week, the second section includes the following information. Items marked (Optional) are only included if you selected those items when running the report.

Note: If your organization supports transfers across facilities, you should be aware that transfers in from a preliminary unit in another facility are counted under Admit, transfers in from inpatient units are counted under TI, and all transfers out are counted under TO. See Understanding Patient Transfers Across Facilities for more information.

Average Total Utilization Variability Summary

When you select the Data by Every 4 Hours option, the report includes a summary of the average total utilization percentages. The summary totals the number of times the average total utilization percentages over a 4-hour period fell within each of the five utilization ranges used on the Clairvia Web Target/Schedule page. The ranges are: High Cost, Review (Over), Acceptable, Caution, and Review (Under). You set the values for these ranges on the Utilization tab of the Demand Manager Facility Settings page.

For each range, the start number is greater than or equal to the selected number. The stop number is less than the selected number. For example, if the High Cost range is from 0% to 85%, and the Review (Over) range is 85% to 95%, an episode with 85% utilization would be counted in the Review (Over) range.

Sample Report

In this example, the user ran the report by Global Skill using the Data by Every 4 Hours option, so the Average Total Utilization percentages by inpatient unit are included. The report is by date and includes activity detail.

During the selected report period, 12 incidents fell into the High Cost range, 17 into the Review (Over) range, 9 into the Acceptable range, 8 into the Caution range, and 2 into the Review (Under) range. The Target was also affected by minimum staffing rules.

How Time Affects the Target/Schedule Analysis Report

This report is designed to be run for dates in the past so that you can see the impact of ADT events on target staffing. You can run this report for future dates; however, it is not recommended.

The source of the target staffing hours the report uses in its calculations depends on the reporting period you select.

Demand Manager calculates the hours of care for each ADT event using the minutes/skill defined in Demand Manager Location Settings. For example, assume an admission event requires 45 minutes of RN time and 15 minutes of UAP time for a total of 60 minutes. The hours of care for one admission are 0.75 for the RN and 0.255 for the UAP. The report calculates target hours for Other patient events using the caregiver to patient ratio entered on the Event Management page. For example, the target staffing for a 2:1 RN Add event from 0800-1000 would be 2.0 hours for 0800 and 2.0 hours for 0900.

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